How we serve the community

Gauteng Strategic Direction (Ten Pillars)

In order to realise the NDP, Gauteng Provincial Government (GPG) has taken active decisive steps to make Gauteng an integrated city-region characterised by social cohesion and economic inclusion over the next five-to-fifteen years. The Province has adopted a ten-pillar programme of Transformation, Modernisation and Re-industrialisation (TMR) of the GCR.  These pillars are contained in the current Annual Review IDP 2018/19 moving towards the realisation of 2030 strategic direction of the country. The pillars are as follows;


Back to basics is informed by a vision of developmental local government that would be the building block on which the reconstruction and development of our  country and society was built, a place in which the citizens of our country could engage in a meaningful and direct way with the institutions of the state. Local government is where most  citizens interface with government, and its foundational ethos must be about serving people. Local Government Back to Basics has five pillars that have to be responded to and are as follows:

There were twelve key commitments done by the ruling party on electorate as local government manifesto towards local government elections 2016 on what need to be considered for the next five years in response to different challenges facing communities and must find an expression in our IDPs:·

Reaffirming the 5R’s + 2 of Sedibeng Growth and Development Strategy

The Municipality endeavours to have a seamless link between the medium term sustainable strategic agenda; IDP and long term Sedibeng Growth and Development Strategy. The SGDS spells Long term  vision and strategic thrust of the overall direction of the region. This strategy is broken into 5 year programme at the beginning of each Political Term of Office through IDP of the district and also find  expression at both the three local municipality IDP’s. The district has identified the following pillars for the development of both the district and local IDP’s at the regional level.

Reinventing our economy; from an old to a new by consolidating existing sectors and exploring new  sectors of growth and in this way build local economies to create more employment and sustainable livelihoods.·
Renewing our communities; from low to high quality through the provision of basic services, improving local public services and broadening access to them, and regenerating and property development to improve the quality of living for all.·
Reviving a sustainable environment; from waste dumps to a green region, by increasing the focus on improving air, water and soil quality and moving from being a producer and a receiver of waste to a green city.·
Reintegrating the region; with the rest of Gauteng, South and Southern African to move from an  edge to a frontier region, through improving connectivity and transport links.·
Releasing human potential from low to high skills and build social capital through building united, non-racial, integrated and safer communities.·
Good and Financial Sustainable Governance; through building accountable, effective and clean   government, with sound financial management, functional and effective Councils, and strong, visionary leadership. It is about compliance and competence.·
Vibrant Democracy; through enabling all South Africans to progressively exercise their constitutional rights and enjoy the full dignity of freedom. To promote more active community participation in   local government, including further strengthening the voice of communities and making sure that community based structures such as ward committees, police forums, school governing bodies are legislatively supported to function effectively

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